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The interior of the Clubhouse & Pro Shop has to withstand a high volume of traffic day in, day out. We therefore needed to use paint & wallpaper finishes that could withstand knocks & bumps on a daily basis. With that in mind, AJM Decorating used a variety of Muraspec Wallpapers on the walls which are designed for commercial business use, providing a selection of modern designs which are durable, wipe-able & still retaining a high quality finish. Alongside this AJM used a selection of Dulux Diamond Finish Paints, which compared to standard Emulsion is 10 times tougher & extends the amount of time before the paint needs to be maintained. Not only is it supremely washable it is also 10 times more stain resistant. As we have used this range of products on various other projects, it was AJM’s first recommendation when it came to decorating a bustling Golf Club.
With regard to the interior feature woodwork, AJM used Osmo Poly X Oil to achieve a clear, wood enhancing, solid finish which will withstand a high amount of usage. This product is particularly advantageous in high usage areas as it is a hard wax oil, forming a solid, durable yet quality finish.
AJM Decorating also had to protect a number of steel columns & beams using Thermoguard Fire Resistant Paints. This is a product that AJM have full knowledge & experience in applying, using the specialist primers & adhering to a certain micron thickness in paint coats to ensure a fire certificate is passed & issued.
The exterior of the Clubhouse, Pro Shop & Apartments required a product that could withstand the sometimes harsh Lake District weather, whilst also remaining in keeping with the contemporary feel of the building. AJM recommended the use of the Dulux Weathershield System using a Gloss finish on painted surfaces & a Wood Stain finish on stained surfaces. By using the Weathershield System it extends maintenance cycles to 8 years as opposed to 4 with conventional coatings. These products also provide unbeatable durability against all weathers, penetrates the wood to seal & protect & contains active fungicides & algicides to work around the clock killing algae & mould. It is therefore the best product to use on a new building to ensure the wood is fully protected.
Please take a look at the photographs below, profiling both interior & exterior areas, showcasing just how high the standard of work that AJM Decorating achieve:-